
春回大地,三阳开泰。展望新的一年,衷心希望广大侨胞继续发扬爱国爱乡优良传统, 加强团结, 促进合作, 努力弘扬中华文化, 为促进中英关系发展、 增进中英两国人民的友谊做出新的贡献, 为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。


On behalf of the Consulate General of the People’s Repubic of China I wish to extend my sincerest greetings and best wishes to everyone: good health, success in your career and a happy family in the Year of the Sheep!

Spring heralds a new beginning, and in looking toward the new year, I hope that the Chinese community continues to promote fine tradition, co-operation and share Chinese culture – contrbuting to the development of Sino-British relations. Through friendship and co-operation, we can achieve great things.